7/14 |
Editorial Seppo Sainio:
Restricted Resources |
Begränsade resurser |
From far away across the sea |
The Halving of the University Index is Being Compensated with a Lump Sum
Cutbacks in Research Institutes |
Many University Rectors Wish to Undermine the Dual Model |
Professorial Work is Becoming Increasingly Scattered |
Using open data to improve the society |
Good And Bad Aspects to Be Found in the New Funding Arrangement for Doctoral Students Working on a Scholarship |
Column Ben Mathias: Students and Employers
Slowly figuring out Finns and becoming one
Acid test
Academic Self-Defence Courses: Looking Back and Planning Ahead
Copyrights of the Teaching Personnel How to Reach an Agreement
The Tough Case of Professor Nutt
Pääkirjoitus Seppo Sainio: Rajalliset resurssit
The Finnish labor legislation � an introduction part 3
Hallitusten päätöksiä
Professors Rock & Rolled in Tampere